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Health and Safety Reminders from Cawley Middle School

Dear Parents,

The first two days of school went exceptionally well.  It was great to see the students moving about safely to their classes throughout the school.  I wanted to send a quick reminder about the importance of following the health and safety protocols the school district has established for all students and staff.

Please Keep Your Child Home When Sick

Please check your child for the following symptoms each day before sending them to school using the Symptoms of COVID-19 from the CDC: 

  • Fever or chills, 
  • Cough,
  • Shortness of breath, 
  • Sore throat, 
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose, 
  • Fatigue, 
  • Muscle or body aches, 
  • Headache, 
  • New loss of taste or smell, 
  • Nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea.  

The school is not asking you to report your home screening unless your child has a symptom. In that case, please contact the School Nurse, Mrs. McCarron, at and keep your child home.

If your child develops a new or unexplained symptom while at school, the school will be following the same procedures as last year which are outlined below:

  • The school nurse will assess symptomatic children in an isolation room and contact the parent for pick up via private transportation.
  • The nurse will advise you to contact your healthcare provider and outline the conditions for return to school.
  • An individual may return to school with a documented negative test result and improved symptoms, or written medical clearance that symptoms are not COVID related;
  • If you choose not to have your child tested or the test is positive, individuals may return to school after 10 days of onset of symptoms, and when symptoms improve they are fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
  • If your child is excluded from school because they tested positive for COVID or they are quarantined as a result of COVID they will have the opportunity to Zoom into their classes.  

Positive Case(s) at School/Contact Tracing

  • If your child or a household member tests positive for COVID-19, please contact the school nurse, Mrs. McCarron at as soon as possible.
  • If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, the administration will conduct contact tracing and notify any close contacts via email.
  • Individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19 while at school or a school event will not be excluded from school; but will be asked to “self-observe” for 14 days following exposure and report any symptoms to the school nurse immediately.  
  • Individuals who are unvaccinated and are living with a positive individual will need to “self-quarantine”.
  • Notice of positive cases within our school community will be sent via email to all Cawley Middle School families and staff.

I am looking forward to working together with our students, parents and staff to keep everyone safe and healthy.  If there is anything that you would like further clarification on or to discuss with me, please contact me at 603-518-5047, ext. 5003 or via email at  



Matthew Benson

Health and Safety Reminders from Cawley Middle School

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