The Counseling Department at Cawley Middle School takes a comprehensive approach to counseling by supporting and enhancing our building and district goals. The counseling offices are a welcoming environment, and should be used as a complete resource for students and their families.
We believe it is our role as school counselors to help students strive towards their most hopeful futures, academically as well as socially and emotionally. We look to provide students with support, while encouraging individual responsibility and personal growth. Ultimately, students’ growth and success is a collaborative effort between parents, teachers and the community. We look forward to working with you and your children.
Kimberly Ackles
School Counselor for students whose last names begin with A-L
(603) 518-5047 x5007
Lea Maguire
School Counselor for students whose last names begin with M-Z
(603) 518-5047 x5006
Coronavirus Resources
Town Resources
Hooksett Family Service Program
The Family Services Department provides for basic needs such as shelter, food, utilities, and medication. Applications for General Assistance are taken by appointment only. Please call 485-8769 to schedule an appointment. Director of Family Services: Abby Reeves
Hooksett Community Food Pantry… (603) 485-7222
Kiwanis Kids’ Kloset… (603) 485-8769
Hooksett Police Department… (603) 624-1560
Merrimack County Resources
Crisis Center of Central NH
24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-866-841-6229
As a nonprofit, we provide services to victim/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, stalking and child abuse. Services are available to everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, income or physical abilities. Advocates can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide free and confidential services.
Merrimack County Juvenile Diversion (MCJD)
Early invention program that offers services for, typically, first time juvenile offenders. MCJD also provides juvenile service programs in areas such as Drug/Alcohol Education, Positive Decision Making, Anger Management, Cyber Safety, Community Engagement.
State and National Resources
Bureau of Student Wellness
NH Department of Education-Creating optimal outcomes for all children. The website is the hub for resources, ideas, and best practices on Student Wellness.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) New Hampshire
NAMI New Hampshire is a grassroots organization working to improve the quality of life for all by providing support, education and advocacy for people affected by mental illness. Comprised of a network of affiliate chapters and support groups, staff and volunteers, NAMI NH provides information, education and support to all families and communities affected by mental illness.
Recognize the Warning Signs for Suicide to Save Lives
Crisis Text Line – Free, 24/7 support for those in crisis. Text 741741 from anywhere in the US to text with a trained Crisis Counselor.
The Trevor Project – A national 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call 1-866-488-7386 to connect with a trained counselor.
Change Direction – Representatives from Behavioral health, businesses, education, law enforcement, medical care, and policy makers in New Hampshire have joined together to launch the Campaign to Change Direction New Hampshire, the first state-wide effort of The Campaign to Change Direction, a national initiative to change the culture of mental health in America.
New Hampshire 2-1-1 Get Connected. Get Answers
To search over 1,800 health and human service providers in New Hampshire at 4,500 service locations call 2-1-1
Manchester Mental Health… (603) 668-4111
NH Children’s Behavioral Health…
Teen Depression and Anxiety: What Parents Can Do To Help
Division of Child and Family Services…. (603) 271-6562; Know and Tell: An Initiative of the Granite State Children’s Alliance
National Suicide Prevention… 1-800-273-TALK(8255); website; teen suicide prevention video