The students who will be attending Pinkerton Academy received their course selection sheets and course catalogs today. The core teachers have made their recommendations for course levels. Students should now choose their electives. They will need a minimum of six credits. An instruction sheet from Pinkerton has been included with the course selection form. Review both sides of the form and complete the “alternative courses” section. Please contact your child’s Cawley counselor, Anne Mulligan (last names A-L) or ext. 5007 or Lea Maguire (last names M-Z), ext 5006 with any questions. The forms are due back to Cawley no later than Friday, February 5th.
From Pinkerton Academy’s CTE Department
- We created a guided experience document to allow you and your students to do a virtual tour through our many career discovery and career focused CTE programs using a Bitmoji Classroom.
- You can follow this link to introduce this bitmoji classroom
- Your students can follow the following link Explore PA CTE
- Check out the new CPPOS (Career Pathway Plan of Study) which clearly outlines the many career discovery courses that are available and relevant to the different career pathways. The CPPOS is found on pages 44-45 of the Pinkerton Course Catalog.
Please feel free to contact any of us in the CTE Office by email, or call 603-437-5200 x 1172, if you have questions or if we can help in any way.
Take good care,
Jennifer R. Haskins
CTE Director
Delilah Smith
Asst. CTE Director
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