Dear Parent/Guardian,
The transition to remote instruction in the spring of 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was unprecedented. With this in mind, the NH Department of Education is providing a range of assessments in the fall, in order to gain a perspective on the needs of students in New Hampshire from the systemic level down to the individual level.
Starting the week of October 12, students in grades six through eight will complete the New Hampshire Statewide Assessment System interim assessment for mathematics and English Language arts. Students will take their previous grade level assessment. This interim assessment will allow your child’s teacher to elicit evidence of learning to inform teaching and evaluate grade level instructional progress in relation to the common core standards. It is a light footprint and takes less time to administer than the summative assessment, which takes place in the spring. It also provides students the opportunity to use the testing platform and accessibility supports with actual test items. Students identified with severe cognitive disabilities that are eligible for the alternative assessment, Dynamic Learning Maps, will not participate in the fall assessment.
If you choose to exempt your student from this interim state assessment please contact me at
Thank you for supporting your student and encouraging him/her to do his/her best during this assessment. If you have any questions related to this assessment administration, please contact me
Matthew Benson
603-518-5047, ext. 5003
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