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After School Sports News

Athletic Handbooks:  Need to be completely filled out and students should turn them during lunch no later than this Friday.  There will be a sign and a box placed in the cafeteria and near each grade level lunch area.  Students should see Mr. Middleton if they still need an athletic handbook.
Sign Ups:  If you haven’t already signed up please click the following link to do so: Link to Sports Sign-Ups.
Dates:  Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer and Girls Field Hockey tryouts will begin after school Monday, 9/14 ending at 4:30.  Cross Country (no cut) practices will begin after school on Tuesday, 9/15 ending at 3:30.
Water/Changing:  Every student will need to bring their own water bottles.  Please have them filled up before going to practice.  If students need to change they will follow the same protocol as they do in school with no more than two students in any bathroom at the same time.
Soccer:  Students need to have shin guards, their own ball, cleats and comfortable clothing.  Students should bring a dark and light top.  We cannot provide pennies due to COVID restrictions. Students will need cloth face coverings/masks to wear when not competing on the field. Mouthguards are optional for the 2020 season.
Field Hockey:  Students need a Stick, Goggles, Mouthguard, Shin Pads, water bottle and cleats. Students should bring a dark and light top.  We cannot provide pennies due to COVID restrictions. Students will need cloth face coverings/masks to wear when not competing on the field.
Cross Country:  Students need running shoes, comfortable clothing and a water bottle. Students will need cloth face coverings/masks to wear when not running.
Any questions please e-mail Mr. Middleton:

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