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High School Selection Process – Class of 2021

Dear 8th Grade Parents of the Class of 2021,

I am writing this letter to inform you about upcoming dates that will support you and your child in the process of transitioning to high school. The Hooksett School Board has designated Pinkerton Academy as the school of record for all Hooksett 8th grade students. All students are assigned to attend Pinkerton Academy. Parents will have the option to petition to send their child to Londonderry High School, Goffstown High School, Bow High School, Pembroke Academy, Manchester Central, Manchester West or Manchester Memorial.

This year’s annual High School Information Night on September 14, 2020 at 6:00 pm will be virtual. During the informational night I will outline the process for parents and students that details the process for students transitioning to high school. Families will be sent a Zoom link to join the information night. The webinar style format will allow for a question and answer session.

This year there will be no in person high school fair. I have requested that each high school make a video to highlight their school. These videos will be posted on the Cawley website on September 15.

High School petition request forms will be emailed to parents on September 15 and be completed through the use of a digital form. The due date for the submission of the form is October 5.

Please see the attached timeline, which outlines the high school process for the Cawley Class of 2021. If you have any further questions please contact me.


Matthew Benson

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