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Foreign Language Request for 2020 – 2021 School Year

Parents/Guardians and current 6th grade students.

Please watch the Foreign Language Video for information about requesting either French or Spanish for 7th and 8th grade.  A foreign language class is not required at Cawley Middle School.  In addition, please read the letter below to click on the link to submit the request form.

May 8, 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your child is invited to participate in the World Language Program at Cawley Middle School. Students will attend French or Spanish class daily during 7th and 8th grade unified arts classes as a rigorous fifth academic subject. It will include homework, quizzes, tests, projects and the introduction of different cultures of other countries. This class will reinforce their English and organizational skills. Students will adjust easily to the process of learning a World Language during high school. Students do not need to take a World Language in middle school. They can begin their studies of a World Language freshmen year of high school.

Students must be highly motivated and responsible to commit to the study of a World Language for two years. Students will be completing Stage I and advance to Stage II upon entering high school. They have the opportunity to complete five years of a World Language before entering college and use the language beyond the school setting.

Your child will be accepted into the World Language program with the approval of the core team teachers and the world language teachers.

Please complete the Foreign Language Request Form


Matthew Benson

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