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Updated Grading System for Remainder of School Year

Dear Parents, 

I am writing to inform you of the new grading system that will be implemented starting the week of April 13.  Over the past several weeks, the SAU Administration and building level administration have continually met to discuss grading students when teaching remotely.  When initially faced with a relatively brief closing of school it seemed appropriate to continue with the current grading system. However, with the schools now being closed until May 4 the conversation for grading students has shifted.  

Moving forward schools in the Hooksett School District will implement a pass/incomplete grading system.  In making this transition, students will be assessed upon their submission and completion of work.  Teachers will continue to instruct and assess students using Google Classroom, Zoom, and other platforms.   

Below is the grading system that will be used for the remainder of the school year:

  • Assignments that are graded will be relevant to grade-level standards and competencies.
  • Individual assignments will be graded as, Missing, Passing, or Passing with Distinction. 
  • Using teacher discretion, a teacher can return an assignment to the student if the submitted work does not meet the initial assignment expectations.  
  • At the end of the term the final grade will be:
    • Incomplete (I) = Less than 65% of the work submitted
    • Passing (P) = Submitted 65% or more of the assignments
    • Passing with Distinction (P+) = Submitted 80% or more of the assignments
  • Competency Scoring
    • Blank = Not enough work completed to score competency
    • Passing (P) = Showed some level of proficiency with competency

Cawley Middle School is in the process of developing criteria for determining honor roll. The plan is to still award “Hawks” and “High Flying Hawks.”  This criterion will be communicated to parents and students prior to April Vacation.  

The Hooksett School District is committed to supporting students during a difficult time.  Please contact me if you have additional questions.  


Matthew Benson

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