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Cawley COVID-19 Update from Mr. Benson

Dear Parents,

I would first like to take this opportunity to thank students, parents, teachers, and the Hooksett Community for successfully implementing distance learning for the past two weeks.  As a result of Governor Sununu closing schools in New Hampshire until May 4, teachers will continue to create and deliver instruction remotely.

The SAU administrative team has re-examined the delivery of our distance learning plan and has determined that we will provide more interactive instruction for our students. Starting April 6, 2020 instruction will be delivered using Zoom, a video conferencing platform. This will allow students and teachers to interact in real-time. Please note that the online learning format that has taken place the first two weeks will still occur in the same format for the week March 30 – April 3.

The master schedule and students individual schedules will be mailed home on March 31. Students will be expected to attend two core classes through video conferencing and one unified arts class a day.  If a student cannot attend the session it will be recorded and posted to the teacher’s Google Classroom to view at a later time. 

The workload will not increase for students. The time commitment which includes the video conferencing time is still the same, 45 minutes or less per core class and 30 minutes or less per one unified arts class a day. 

  In order to ensure that every child has access to the instruction, we will be video and audio recording so that the instruction can be accessed at a later time. The primary focus of the video and audio recording will be on the instruction and the teacher, not on the students in the class. However, questions and comments asked and spoken by students will be part of the recording. Recordings will not be made public by the online vendor or the school district in any capacity.

In order for your child to participate in video conferencing please complete this online form to give your consent for video and audio recording of online instruction: 

I hope that all of you are safe and healthy.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  


Matthew Benson

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