If you are interested in signing up for a spring sport, baseball, softball, boys lacrosse, girls lacrosse, golf, track and field please do the following
- Have a current physical on file with the school nurse.
- Have an athletic handbook submitted to Mr. Middleton. Athletic handbooks can be picked up in the main office. *If you have participated in a fall or winter sport you do NOT need to submit another handbook*.
- Sign up: 2023 Spring Sports Sign Ups **Sign ups and handbooks are due by Tuesday, 3/21 @ 2:30 p.m.**
- Detailed information will be posted on the bulletin board outside the cafeteria. For now times & locations are TBD.
- Baseball, Softball, Boys LX and Girls LX tryouts will begin on Monday, 3/27.
- Track & Field will start on Monday, 4/3.
- Golf will start the week of 4/10.
Thank you
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