Dear Parents,
The school year has finally arrived and I know that everyone has received a plethora of emails and information regarding the opening of school. I wanted to send this email separately as it directly relates to communicating your child’s academic progress.
This year parents will be able to view their child’s grades, courses, assignments, daily objective, daily announcements, homework and links to resources all in the student learning management system, Schoology. Parents and students will no longer have access to PowerSchool as Schoology provides one location to view the aforementioned information.
Students will be using Schoology starting on the first day of school using their student ID and password which will be provided by their homeroom teacher if needed. The week of September 7, parents will receive an email with information on how to login and use Schoology.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need support in navigating around Schoology.
Matthew Benson
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