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Cawley Middle School Open House

Dear Parents/Guardian:

In order to make immediate contact with parents, the annual school Open House will be on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 from 5:45 pm to 8:00 pm.  The schedule is as follows:

5:45 – 6:00 pm – All parents meet in the gymnasium for a brief presentation by administration.  Access to classrooms will not be available until 6:00 pm

Grade 8 

6:00- 6:40 pm: Eighth Grade Team Time (Report to your child’s homeroom)
6:40 – 7:20 pm: Unified Arts Presentation (Gymnasium)
7:20 – 8:00 pm: Eighth Grade Team Time (Cawley Cafeteria)

Grade 7

6:00 – 6:40 pm: Unified Arts Presentation (Gymnasium)
6:40 – 8:00 pm: Seventh Grade Team Time (Seventh grade teachers will pick up parents in the Gymnasium)

Grade 6

6:00 – 7:20 pm: Sixth Grade Team Time (Report to your child’s homeroom)
7:20 – 8:00 pm: Unified Arts Presentation (Gymnasium)

Open House presentations will be an overview of the curriculum, events for the year, procedures, etc.



Matthew Benson

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