1. No parents or visitors are permitted to enter the building.
2. Students must be dropped off and picked up outside of the building.
3. Athletic Handbooks must be turned into the school prior to tryouts. Coaches will not collect any handbooks. Please contact Athletic Director, Garrett Middleton at gmiddleton@sau15.net with any questions.
4 Athletes are required to be dressed in proper equipment prior to tryouts.
5. Locker Rooms are closed. Hallway bathrooms will be open and will follow the same protocols during school hours of having two students in the bathroom at once.
6. Students are required to enter through the triple glass doors gym entrance.
7. Cloth Masks/face coverings are required to be worn at all times for basketball practices and games per Tri-County Athletics. Scheduled mask breaks will occur frequently.
8. There will be no common hydration stations. Students are required to bring their own water bottles.
9. Basketball players should bring their own ball. If a player does not have a ball the coach will provide a ball.
10. Hand sanitizer will be provided, but it would be a good idea to bring your own.
11. Athletes must exit as soon as tryouts end through the gym doors near the stage.
Thank you.
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