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School Deliberative Session Booklet
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Midterm Elections at CMS on November 6

On November 6, 2018, Cawley Middle School will be a polling place for the midterm elections. School will also be in session for students and staff on this day. Student safety continues to be the most important priority of the Hooksett School Board, Superintendent and the Cawley administration.

In the month of October, Superintendent, Dr. Charles P. Littlefield, Principal, Matthew Benson, Hooksett Police Chief, Janet Bouchard, Lieutenant, Justin Sargent and the Town Clerk of Hooksett, Todd Rainer met to implement immediate changes to various procedures to further ensure student safety on election days.

The following changes will be implemented for this election and all future elections:

  • Voters will not have access the main hallway, as the doors will be locked.
  • Students will not be permitted to enter the cafeteria or gymnasium during the school day.
  • Students will eat lunch in classrooms.
  • All co-curricular activities are cancelled on November 6, 2018.
  • Two police officers will be at Cawley Middle School at all times.
  • A traffic pattern has been developed in which voters, parents, buses and the public will enter on Whitehall Road and exit through the emergency gate near the soccer fields onto Farmer Road.
  • Additional police officers will assist with traffic on Whitehall Road and Farmer Road during arrival and dismissal of students.
  • All candidates have been informed in writing the expectations of not interacting with school staff, students and parents.
    If you have any further questions or concerns please contact Mr. Benson.

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