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Eighth Grade Slideshow

In honor of the graduating class of 2018, our Video Production Team will be creating an original 8th Grade Slideshow Presentation to be featured at the graduation ceremony in June.

As such, we are writing to invite each student to submit a maximum of two photographs to Mrs. Benyik for this project. Images will highlight the cherished memories of our students who are graduating, so student may even want to share some flashbacks photos from their earlier years as 6th graders!

Please email photos (.jpeg, .png are acceptable) no later than Monday, May 14, 2018 to Mrs. Benyik. Please do not submit these images as a document as they are not able to be downloaded for editing. Emails should include student’s full name and “GradPhoto” in the subject line.

If you have any any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Benyik.

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