Dear Parents;
In the event that school is closed beyond April 6, teachers are preparing to use video conferencing to interact with students in real time. This will allow teachers to provide instant feedback and clarity for learning. Teachers at Cawley Middle School will be utilizing additional online resources to provide continuing classroom instruction to students. These resources will include a video and audio component. In order to ensure that every child has access to the instruction, we will be video and audio recording so that the instruction can be accessed at a later time.
The primary focus of the video and audio recording will be on the instruction and the teacher, not on the students in the class. However, questions and comments asked and spoken by students will be part of the recording.
Only students assigned to that specific class will be granted access to the video recording. Otherwise, the recordings will not be made public by the online vendor or the school district in any capacity. The form provided below will be used to document your permission for these activities.
Please complete this online form to give your consent for video and audio recording of online instruction:
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Matthew Benson
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